Tuesday 17 June 2014

Do Our A-list Actor's Measure Up ?

It seems that some people, and I include myself, , look at what we term our so called A-list Actors that are on the Movie screens today, and compare them with those, who are no longer alive.
 I know that this is wrong, as in the early years, studios were limited in what they could show, with the Hayes Commission restricting  content, as far as Language, Violence and Nudity. So firstly writers were restricted on the scripts content, and the Actors by their talent, there was nothing in the way of Special effects, and CGI, was a long way off being invented.
  I think about the actors that I admired from that era, the likes of James Cagney, Humphrey Bogart, Lauren Bacall & Bette Davis, amongst others. Despite the regulations, they succeeded in pushing their acting skills to the threshold of eternal brilliance.

  Today's Actors have a greater range of subject matter to use as the censorship laws compared to the years up to the 60's, have been released, some would say by too much. The directors such as the late Ken Russell and Stanley Kubrick who both in their time helmed controversial movies such as Kubrick's 'A Clockwork Orange', dealt with I think was totally offensive subject matter.

 It is with some pleasure that now the actors I admire such as Meryl Streep, Jack Nicholson, Robert De Niro & Anthony Hopkins although older are achieving high standards regularly, and the mantle I think will be passed on to the likes of George Clooney.

Wednesday 9 April 2014

My Favourite Actors: 1. Sir Michael Caine.

Michael Caine was born, Maurice Joseph Micklewhite. on the 14th March 1933. He was the son of Michael Joseph Micklewhite who bestowed his son with his name, his mother was named Ellen Francis Marie Burchall. Both his parents worked, his father worked at the local Fish Market as a Porter and his mother was a Cook and part time Housecleaner.
  Michael was brought up as a Protestant, and lead an uneventful childhood, although it was during the Second World War. In 1952-54, he joined the British Armies Royal Fusilier's to first be stationed in Germany, and then active duty in Korea.
 In 1953 aged 20, he got his first job in amateur theatre, with a small part in Emily Brontes 'Wuthering Height's. It was quite by chance after he was told he would stand a better chance of getting work if he changed his name to something shorter, he saw a poster advertising the 1954 movie "The Caine Mutiny", thus the legend was born.
 Over the years, I've watched and enjoyed may of Sir Michael's films, but most of all the 1969, original "The Italian Job", it was during his role as Charlie Croker, that I formed the belief, that I've had since then. That belief being that he made the Cockney accent cool. This was made clearer by his  titular role in the 1966 movie "Alfie" with Shelly Winters. There was a famous  quote from the 'Italian Job' which is pure Caine. The context is that  one of Croker's mates Arthur, is trying to get into a locked car, by using an explosive. Using way too much, he succeeds in blowing the car up, causing Croker to remark, " You're only supposed to blow the bloody doors off".
  Caine won 2 Supporting Actor Oscars, the first for his role as Elliot in the 1987 movie, 'Hannah and her Sister's. The second was playing Wilbur Larch in 'The Cider House Rules'.
  Fast forward to 2005, when Caine plays Alfred, Bruce Wayne's (Batman) Butler. He repeated the role in 2007's 'The Dark Knight', then in 2012 ' The Dark Knight Rises'.
  It will be a sad day when he retires, the history of Movies owes him so much.

Friday 4 April 2014

My Favourite Movies: 4. Alien

The advertisement for this Movie warned "In space no one can hear you scream", set the scene for this truly scary Science fiction movie.
  This movie directed by Sir Ridley Scott, was released in N.Z in 1980, and it was the first time I saw a Science fiction drama I really enjoyed, as I was up until then, not a fan of that genre.
  The movie deals with the crew of the Spaceship 'Nostromo',sent to find the origins of a call from an as yet undiscovered planet.
 On board the ship, were Sigourney Weaver as Ripley, as dominant a character, as any in recent movie history. John Hurt( Elephant Man )and other notable actors.
 Upon landing on the planet they find egg shaped objects, and they take one on board the ship, only to find they have unleashed havoc when it transforms into a hideous alien life form, with the ability to latch on to its unsuspecting human target. As people start being disposed of, panic erupts.
 Swiss set designer H.R. Giger created all of the alien forms and figures, including the infamous 'facehugger', that literally fed on humans and overtook their bodies.
  This movie would rate along side 'The Exorcist, as the most scary movie I've seen.

Wednesday 2 April 2014

My Favourite Movies: 3. Pulp Fiction

The early 90's was a boom time for great movies, and Quentin Tarantino's  ' Pulp Fiction, was no exception.
 From the moment that Amanda Plummer & Tim Roth, robbed a Diner, and we hear the raunchy guitar riffs of Dick Dale's 'Miserlou, we know only too well, we're in for a great ride.
  With a Tarantino movie, the unexpected usually happens, so that keeps you on the edge of your seat, whilst you concentrating on not choking on your Popcorn.
  The cast which is made up of some of the best actors of that era, from Brit Tim Roth, who is usually a villain is well cast as Ringo, along with his partner Yolanda (Amanda Plummer), who pull of the Diner heist.
  John Travolta in one of his finest performances to date, plays Vincent Vega, is seen with his partner in crime Jules ( Samuel L. Jackson ), and they have some memorable discussions on topics such as McDonald's, when they're not killing someone.
  One thing that is typical of all of Tarantino's movies, is the fantastic Soundtracks, usually compiled from his own collection. The music selections are a gift to the movie, as they fit like a glove to whatever scene there in. My favourite song is a remake of  Neil Diamond's 'Girl You'll Be A Women Soon' by Urge Overkill, This to me is the best remake of any modern classic.
 My favourite scene in the movie is when Vincent and his girl Mia Wallace ( Uma Thurman ),  compete in  Twist contest, held in the local Nightclub 'Jackrabbit Slims ', the host looks and sounds like Ed Sullivan. The song they dance to is Chuck Berry's 'You Never Can Tell.' I also liked Jackson's Fire & Brimstone rendition of Ezekiel  25 verse 17, it would send chills through a heathen.

Sunday 30 March 2014

Favourite Movies: 2. Speed

This was the movie that accentuated to me, what Action movies were all about. Filmed in 1994, and directed by Jan De Bont, who is usually a Director Of Photography or DOP, in most of the movies he was involved in.
  The movie starred, Keanu Reeves, who is probably the only A list actor in the US, was born in Lebanon. He plays Officer Jack Traven, who has to deal with a deranged terrorist, Howard Payne (Dennis Hopper) , who frustrated by the failure of his earlier attempts at mayhem, plants a bomb, on a School bus, and rigs it in such a manner, that if the bus goes below 50mph, it will detonate. Now the usual driver of that particular bus, is Anne Porter (Sandra Bullock), who through the years she has more then earned her place in movie history particularly in recent times with movies such as 'Blindside' and the superb Sci-fi  movie 'Gravity' with George Clooney. With her role in 'Speed', she is called upon to be  courageous, and drive the bus, whilst chaos surrounds her.
  Amongst the many action sequences, is when Jack, drives his car as if his life depends on it....and it does.
  This to me is one of the late Dennis Hopper's greatest roles. all menacing and maniacal.

Wednesday 26 March 2014

My 10 Favourite Movies : 1. Forrest Gump

In my more recent years watching Movies, I began to rate my most favourite films up to or should I say down to my least favourite. Top spot goes to Forrest Gump, for It's time one of the cleverest films of all time.
  Now as I've said in a previous post, I said that Tom Hank's is my favourite actor, and in this movie, delivers an Oscar worthy role from start to finish. Directed by Robert Zemeckis, with an amazing cast including Robyn Wright, and Gary Sinise, an actor who I had never seen before, were all part of movie history that seemed to span a generation or more. Starting with Forrest as a small boy, whose Mother ran a Boarding house, there was just the two of them. Forrest was a special boy, who had Physical difficulties, which he miraculously recovered from, to join the US Army in Vietnam, and receive a Medal, for bravery,  which is presented to him by President Johnson.
  We see Forrest, playing Table Tennis, a sport which he possessed an uncanny ability. During these amazing events, he meets a young lady, Jenny, who he becomes more then friendly with. In his lack of understanding, he doesn't realise she is sick, as it turns out she has acquired AIDS.
   Through the time span of this movie, we have a splendid Soundtrack that  parallels the era, and this helps to make this movie  a Masterpiece for all times.

Sunday 23 March 2014

'Monument's Men.......a review.

During the final years of World War 2, the Allied forces, were encircling Berlin, and getting prepared for the endgame. U.S President Rooseveldt,  set up a group of men all in the Military, but in their previous occupations Museum Curators, Art History lecturers & Antique dealers, were assembled to travel to Europe, and in particular Germany to retrieve stolen works of art by some of the greatest Artists and Sculptors known to man.

  This amazing story was portrayed in a book called 'Monument's Men by Robert M. Edsel, and in 2014, made into a movie, Directed by and starring George Clooney. In the film, he plays Frank Stokes, who is to take command of this multinational unit. This movie had an amazing cast including Matt Damon, John Goodman and the brilliant Cate Blanchett, whom I consider the best Actress along side Meryl Streep. A surprise inclusion was Hugh Bonneville, in a sabbatical from playing Lord Grantham in TV's 'Downton Abbey. His character, Donald Jeffries, main mission it seemed was to find  a sculpture known as the ' Bruge Madonna & Child by Michaelangelo, which was and now is found in the 'Church Of Our Lady' in Bruge, Belgium. Donald had an almost emotional attachment to the Sculpture, and he was going to retrieve it no matter what. The movie progressed at a steady pace, and the caricatures of the Germans was amusing, either hideous and maniacal or grotesquely obese as in Hermann Goering, who was attempting to create the single largest private art collection in history.
  These group of Men should forever be commended for their work, as for the generations since the end of the war, people have been able to view most of the works that could very well have been lost.


Wednesday 19 March 2014

Saving Mr Banks.... a review.

Nearly everybody from the 1950's onwards, will know the name Walt Disney, a name that conjures up all sorts of magical memories in my mind. All the cartoon characters from the mischievous Tinkerbell to Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck, and all the others that were too many to mention.
    When Walt's daughters, Diane & Sharon, were young, their favourite books were the 'Mary Poppins' series of books, by British/Australian Author, P.L Travers. The books dealt with the titular character, who was a fictional Housekeeper in London during the years prior to WWI. She possessed magical powers, such as an Umbrella which gave her the ability to fly. She gets a job with the Banks family Father Bert, a Chimneysweep, and his children Jane & Michael. This would be the premise for the movie released in 1964
  In 2013, 'Saving Mr Banks', deals with the strenuous negotiations between Walt Disney and PL Travers, to secure the rights of her books, with the view to making a  movie of 'Mary Poppins'. On their first meeting in California, Walt is taken back by Travers's unfriendly and curt manner, she had the demeanour of a School Headmistress. She disliked any of his ideas, and was highly scornful of Disneyland, and all it represents.
    Through the movie, we're shown glimpses of PL 'Pamela' Travers's childhood with a father who she adores, he sadly dies with excessive Alcohol consumption, when she is young. We are lead to believe the idea for Mary Poppins came from a Housekeeper Aunt Ellie, in the Travers's household.
    In conclusion the actors chosen for the Roles Tom Hanks as Walt, he was sublime. Emma Thompson, as Miss Travers, and Aussie actress Rachel Griffith's as 'Aunt Ellie. Also worthy of mention was Paul Giamatti, who was Miss Travers' driver. This movie deserved more awards then what it got.   4 stars.


Tuesday 18 March 2014

My Favourite Actors: 2. Tom Hanks, an actor for the ages.

I've admired Tom Hanks for a long time, and having watched his movies over the past few decades, he seems to have held on to what he believes in and not in any way sold out, despite all the other movie genres he might have chosen.

  From having a love affair with a Mermaid, as he did with Daryl Hannah in 'Splash, to being the Commander of Apollo 13, Hanks has shown his liking of roles that show that he is multi talented, whether it be light hearted 'Big' or poignant as in 'Forrest Gump and heroic as he was in 'Saving Private Ryan, his star is still in an upward climb.

 His role as Andrew Beckett in 'Philadelphia, where he played an AIDS sufferer unjustly fired from the legal firm where he worked, only to find the Lawyer representing him in his law suit against his former employers is Homophobic.

 In recent times Hank's has played in movies that have interested me, and they were ' Extremely Loud, Incredibly Close', the 2011 film dealing with the story of a man who is killed in one of the towers in the World Trade Centre in 9/11.
  Then in 2013, he played Captain Richard Phillips, in the titular role of USS Alabama, hijacked off the coast of Somalia.

 And in his most recent film, TH, played Walt Disney in 'Saving Mr Banks' in 1964, when he was having negotiations, with P.T Travers, the author of  the 'Mary Poppins' series books, with the plan to make  a movie, and the problems that arose,